Proper Rehab.

Physio Led Injury Rehab Gym Sessions

ACL ruptures, bone fractures, chocolate ankles and niggles and muscle strains/tears are all issues we deal with here at our facility in Glasgow.

You’ve might have had a frustrating time with injury rehab but you’ve not done Proper Rehab.

We do more than tell you to rest and stretch, we’re proactive about returning you to pain-free normality.

If you allow us to take control of your return to play plan, we will get you to full strength & confidence in the most efficient time possible.

On Proper Rehab you’ll be coached through a bespoke programme designed by Sean, our Physio (he’s got a Masters degree by the way). When able and where appropriate, you’ll get out on the pitch to get reconditioned to running.

We don’t play at it here. We take our work seriously and commit to sorting you so we need you to commit to it too.

We don’t want you on our Proper Rehab programme for any longer than you need to be, so we will be on your case to make sure you work well during your sessions & follow the script outside of here.

Here’s how it works..

  • We get you in for an initial Consultation with Chris or Ross, our Physio and Sports Therapist.

  • This allows them to assess you and decide on the best plan of action for you.

  • In some not so serious cases you may be given advice to apply at home as you don’t need the full Proper Rehab support.

  • Others may be advised to get an MRI or an X-Ray before we can take you on board.

  • If our Physio decides that you’re suited to Proper Rehab we’ll get a programme put together for you.

  • You attend your sessions each week. No moanin’. No excuses. We don’t care if the Champs League’s on.

  • Once you’ve completed your programme you’ll be booked in for a progress consultation.

  • We’ll then put together a new programme to keep you progressing.

  • This progressive process continues until you’re back to full strength, pain-free and ready to get back to your sport.

Please contact us to arrange a Consultation.

Sessions are in a small group format with a maximum of eight members on each sessions to make sure you get the attention you need. It also means we can get a bit of banter together and take the sting out of the situation you’re in.

Our online booking system gives you the flexibility & freedom to change your sessions each week to suit.

Session times: Monday to Friday at 7:30pm.

The Money Stuff…

  • Consultation & Progress Consultations are charged at £50.

  • 12 sessions £195  (3 per week for 4 weeks)

  • 8 sessions £150 (2 per week for 4 weeks)

  • 4 sessions £125 (1 per week for 4 weeks)

Check our insta and you’ll see members who’ve completed Proper Rehab and are back at their sport.


Lift It.